PET Results and Whatnot

I guess I never got around to reporting my most recent PET scan results--ALL CLEAR, hooray! At this point it's not exactly a surprise because I already knew I was healed. But it is great, great confirmation!

I am still praying about having radiation and taking the Tamoxifen. These are expected by my healthcare providers but I have a hard time doing it while knowing I'm healed. However, the more I pray, the more I believe God wants me to keep it up. So, we'll keep praying and planning  on it. The short version of the reason to do it is that these things keep the cancer from coming back. I just have a hard time with God wanting me to do it, because that hints again that there's a chance it will come back. But I felt the same way about finishing chemo and He showed me some other good reasons to go through with it, such as the people I got to speak to because of it. 

There's a fundraiser this weekend called the Ride for Hope ( They are going to recognize me tomorrow because I'm supposedly a "Hero for Hope". I am still wrapping my head around this. It is one of the nicest things man has ever done for me, but I'm just accepting the honor on God's behalf. 

It will be a great chance to tell people about true Hope, the God of Hope. Hope that is more powerful than circumstances. The great Hope that opens more doors than any man can. The Hope that saw me through this mess, and will see anyone else through theirs. No matter how bad it seems. Or even how minor the situation can appear to other people. God gives this hope freely, we just have to ask. And believe. He will give anyone hope, the only problem is that it doesn't always look the way we want or expect it to. I think it can be really scary to hope in things we do not see because it's giving up control. But if you do it right, it's exhilarating to release that control, especially as it's a perceived notion anyway--none of us really have control, we just think we do.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" Romans 15:13 

Romans 8:24-25, "For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."

That took a different direction than I originally intended. But it's all true so maybe someone needed to read it. Blessings to you all!

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